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Roxborough Park

I know it’s been a while, but this weekend was a lot of fun and I had to share another picture from our trip to Roxborough Park, Colorado. Xana complained most of the hike, but Beatrix was having a blast. Grammie came with us and enjoyed pointing out all the wild flowers to the girls.

The morning after

Last night, all 3 of my girls were suffering from some sort of illness… croup, flu and stomach pain. Beatrix had been complaining that her stomach hurt—the last time that happened, she tossed her cookies all over Karen. But she seemed fine this morning if not a bit grumpy at first. Xana was still sleeping, Karen was still sleeping, but Bea was wide eyed. So she came downstairs, I wrapped her in a blanket, and she ate a bowl of cereal with strawberries just like me. CLICK

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