Archive | painting

Hobby Violet

We discovered something this weekend. Little Bea Vi loves to paint crafts. She hasn’t quite taken to painting pictures, but when it came to decorating the ‘haunted house’ model from Target, she was all over it. The house came in sheets of wood you can punch out, paint and put together. Well, after painting the individual pieces needed, she went ahead and painted the left over pieces of wood. And woke up the next morning wanting to paint MORE. Karen says she’s seen Beatrix with this sort of focus before but I’ve only seen it when she’s up to no good… Say, when she discovered Mommy’s makeup bag and we didn’t hear a peep out of her for 30 minutes… LOL!

First Day of school

My 2yr old started preschool today. A VERY big day this was for my wife and I but Xana seemed to treat it just like any other day. I contemplated taking half a day of work to be there for her first day of preschool since it was just an hour orientation but we decided it might be too much with all the other parents coming to school with their kids today.

As the story goes, it was a rough morning. They had to wake up earlier and rush out the door quicker than the usual routine. I guess this unsettled Xana a bit as she was quite fussy on their way to school. But upon arriving her buddy Stella was there with a big happy smile to see her. Xana seemed to lighten up from that point on.

When Karen showed me the pictures of her first day this one obviously stood out for me. The last time Xana did this we were at the Denver Children’s Museum and I helped her with the paint brush. I am still shocked to see her actively painting away without help. She seems quite engaged with the process and I have the largest smile on my face when I think about it.

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