Archive | sisters

Castlewood Canyon

In my effort to drag the girls out of the house every weekend, Karen was free this Sunday (having worked Saturday instead) and we we all took a trip to Castlewood Canyon. What we thought was a gentle 1.4 mile hike turned out to be just a bit over 3.4 miles both ways. This is easily twice the distance we did last week, and yes, Xana complained most of the way. BUT, she complained LESS… and she did the entire distance with us.

Bea, on the other hand, wanted to hike further than this pic shows, but we didn’t want to push our luck with Xana. We turned around from the falls after this photo and made our way back through the trails. It was certainly an interesting hike today, as we took the Homestead Trail to the Creek Bottom Trail, passing by ruins of old homesteads (thus the name). Lots of cool pics, plenty of vegetation and trails to choose from. Most was under cover from the sun, so while it was a pretty hot day of about 89 degrees, we were protected most of the way. But I think next week, we might start considering going up higher in elevation for our next hike!

Sisters II

Xana and Bea huggingLook a’ you Bea Look a’you.

So great that Xana loves her sister. Always going up to her to give her a hug and a kiss. She loves when Bea’s sleeping so she can creep up and ….”BBEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” in her ear…

But now Xana gives hugs on cue. Just the other day she told Karen, “Mommy… I like… snuggle.” Seriously, like Karen says, “How do you refuse THAT?”


This morning I took Xana outside to look at her new ‘playhouse.’ With Karen getting ready to go to work I also brought Bea along in her car seat. After a few minutes of inspecting her new house Xana turned her attention onto her little sister. I had moved the car seat closer to the house in order to take what I thought would be a cute shot of her in front of it with Xana playing around. Instead, what I caught was the natural sister behavior Xana seems to have towards Bea. I thought these two pics showcased her instincts. Big sister loves her little sister.

Momma’s Little Helper

The move to 2 kids over just one has some challenges…

I remember the first time I watched my wife bring the girls to work so we could have lunch together. I was on the 14th floor watching down as she got them out of the car. With one arm holding a car seat and the other wrapped around the 2 year old on her waist Karen walked up the stairs and rode the elevator up to the office. Spectacular sight to say the least.

Yesterday Karen was out of the room when Bea started crying loudly. She was safe on her play-mat but then she stopped suddenly. When Karen came into the room to check on her, she found that Xana had gone into the kitchen, grabbed Bea’s bottle, and started feeding her. All of a sudden she’s Mommy’s little helper. This shot was taken at that moment.

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